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AV EDGE Honored For Aiding Economy

Nov 21, 2024 | News, Published Media Articles



The Antelope Valley Economic and Growth Enterprise (AV EDGE) was recognized for its exceptional contributions to the local economy and community by the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation’s Eddy Award for Strategic Engagement Partners of the Year.


The organization joined the seven regional economic development organizations honored with the award at the 29th Eddy Awards Gala on Nov. 6. Those organizations include the Long Beach Economic Partnership, Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation and Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity, among others.


The Eddy Awards celebrate the achievements of Los Angeles County business and organizations that significantly contribute to economic development and job creation throughout the county.

The regional economic development organizations “have been the backbone of our regional economy, supporting businesses and communities through challenging times. Their strategic initiatives have driven significant economic growth, job creation and community resilience across Los Angeles County,” according to the award citation.

“This honor speaks volumes to the AV EDGE regional partnerships,” AV EDGE Executive Director Drew Mercy said in a release announcing the award. “Our board members, members at large, and staff are deeply committed to the Antelope Valley region’s economic growth and development. Each of their individual and collective efforts continue to enhance the quality of life for our communities.”

The commission’s mission is to reinvent the regional economy and advance growth and prosperity for all. Los Angeles County ranks as the 14th largest economy in the world, contributing nearly 4% of the nation’s gross product with a vast variety of industry sectors.


The AV EDGE mission is to ensure thoughtful, diverse economic growth and development of the entire Antelope Valley region. Through partnerships, legislative advocacy, and education, the organization aims to inspire all businesses and industries to engage, leverage and cultivate the countless opportunities the Antelope Valley region offers businesses locally, regionally and globally.


“The Antelope Valley’s economic growth impacts not only our region, but all of Los Angeles County and beyond. It is a pleasure to lead this organization and truly humbling to be recognized by our peers,” AV EDGE President Martin Tompkins said.


The cities of Lancaster and Palmdale have each been recognized multiple times as the Most Business Friendly City in Los Angeles County by the LAEDC Eddy Awards in years past.


Check out the original article here.

We invite your company to join the AVEDGE

The Board is engaged in activities that promote economic growth and diversity through expanding employment opportunities, building quality infra-structures, creating a positive business climate, and being a strong legislative lobby.