News & Press Releases

DOE opens $400M to Improve Building Energy Efficiency, Save Consumers Money, and Make Buildings More Climate Resilient

Sep 28, 2023 | News

September 2023

Announcement Type: Administrative and Legal Requirements Document

Opportunity:  Biden-Harris Administration Announces $400 Million for States to Improve Building Energy Efficiency, Save Consumers Money, and Make Buildings More Climate Resilient.

Overview and Eligible Uses: The Inflation Reduction Act allocates $1 billion to assist state and local governments in adopting and implementing advanced building energy codes, including zero energy building codes. Through today’s Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD), DOE has released a portion of this funding through formula to support states in adopting, implementing, enforcing and measuring compliance rates of specified building energy codes, while training and educating their workforce and building localized capacity. These activities will improve residential and commercial new construction and major renovations, and help transition the infrastructure in these states to include more efficient, more-resilient decarbonized buildings for all. Specifically, this ALRD supports states in undertaking the advancement of two building energy codes:

  • Adoption and implementation of the latest building energy code, which includes the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for residential buildings and the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 for commercial buildings. Alternatively, states can opt for other codes that achieve equivalent or greater energy savings.
  • Adoption and implementation of zero energy provisions, within the 2021 IECC or other codes with equivalent or greater energy-saving capabilities.

Amount: $400M in total, $240M for the adoption and implementation of the latest building energy code, and $160M to adopt and implement zero energy provisions.

Award Type: Formula

Eligible Applicants: States and Territories

Key Dates: Interested states will need to opt-in to reserve their funding for these awards, with letters of intent due to DOE by November 21st.

Key Links:

DOE press release

Administrative and Legal Requirements Document

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